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Shell+ Documents - fully functional P2P shared documents namespace

Shell+ Documents is a fully functional namespace extension demo that allows users to create virtual directories and share them with other users. The project is built on Delphi using Shell+ Components and RemObjects SDK.

Shell+ Documents project can be used as prototype for building real namespace extensions for corporate and personal use. This article will describe the process of building true namespace extension client and application server for handling local and remote requests. You can download binaries and source code below this article.

     Shell+ Documents Overview
     Application Server class model
     Namespace extension implementation
     Download source code and examples


Shell+ Documents overview

Shell+ Documents consists of two modules - Shell namespace client and Application Server.

Namespace client is built with Shell+ and handles the following tasks:

  • Displaying virtual folders and documents
  • Creating new virtual folders inside local and remote databases
  • Accepting files from drag&drop and copy&paste operations
  • Accepting files from Windows Applications through Save As dialogs
  • Renaming and Deleting files and folders
  • Displaying and managing additional properties for files and folders
  • Connecting and Disconnecting remote databases
  • Searching for items inside virtual folders through server call

Application Server is built with RemObjects SDK and handles the following tasks:

  • Handling requests to database
  • Forwarding calls to remote servers
  • Managing connected remote servers

The data is stored in the database file that handled by Application Server. It is a simple implemplementation of filesystem-in-a-file approach.


Application Server class model

We use two generic terms in this project: Worker - is the class that contains implementation of all methods; Service - is the RO-based class that is accessible remotely: from local or networked clients, it translates calls to the Worker-classes. Basic implementation for Worker is TCustomDocumentsWorker and basic implementation for Service is TCustomDocumentsService.

click to expand

Worker class is inherited from usual TDataModule, and Service class is a RemObjects service. Both, Worker and Service implementing one interface - ICustomDocumentsService. This makes our class model pretty ease to use for local and networked operations.

TCustomDocumentsService have two successors - for local and remote connections. Shell namespace extension client connecting to the TLocalDocumentsService. This class automatically chooses which Worker to use (Local or Remote) and executes method on the appropriate Worker. Thats ease, because they are imlementing same interface.

TLocalDocumentsWorker working directly with the database, and TRemoteDocumentsWorker executes methods of TRemoteDocumentsService on the remote server.

The better way to see the interoperability of these modules is the UML-schema (built with Model Maker). On the schema below you can see, how server processes the call within local area: LocalDocumentsService just translates the call to LocalDocumentsWorker.

And on the schema below, you can see how server processes the call to networked area: LocalDocumentsService translates call to the RemoteDocumentsWorker, which in his turn, translates call to another server's RemoteDocumentsService and then to LocalDocumentsWorker of another server.

The basic element for information exchange is described by TsdElement class. Instances of this class are used to describe databases, files and folders inside the virtual namespace.

TsdElement class contains ServerName property and LocalDocumentsServices uses this property to decide which worker to use.


Namespace extension implementation

Namespace extension have much simplier design. As usually with Shell+ it has the follwing classes:

  • TsxModule - contains Shell+ components that interact with Windows Shell
  • TsxPermanentModule - containt components, that provide information that have to be displayed in Windows Shell
  • ServerConnection module - containt RO-components for interacting with LocalDocumentsService.
  • Several forms for different property pages
  • One form for Search Documents band

The main component on the TsxModule is TsxVirtualFolder. It contains information about NSE registration (JunctionPoint, etc,) and basic behaviour like URLHandler (allows to display readable path names for virtual folders).

VirtualFolder component linked to other UI-specific components on TsxModule: TsxExtractIcon (displaying custom icon for namespace), TsxShellPropSheetExt (provides special properties dialog for NSE's root), TsxNamespaceDetails (contains information about Details View settings), TsxSysShellView (handles general UI tasks for NSE), TSxExplorerMenu and TSxExplorerToolbar components (add commands to Explorer menu and toolbar) and TSxExplorerBand (provides ability to display custom Explorer band for searching documents on server side).

Also, VirtualFolder component linked to the TsxByHandProvider component, which hosted on the PermanentModule. This component allows to provide any tree-like data to the Windows Shell.

DataProvider component also linked to some UI-components, but these components are related to the items that DataProvider produces to the Windows Shell: TSxGrainMenu (provides menu items to the NSE elements), TSxIconList (stores icon images to be displayed for virtual items) and TsxNamespacePropertySheet (describes property pages that will be displayed for virtual items).

Shell+ uses own class (TsxCustomDataGrain and its successors) to describe items in the virtual namespace, so we made several methods to convert information from TsxElement class to DataGrain and vice-versa. The methods called DataGrainToSDElement and SDElementToDataGrain. As you can see from the source code, we use these methods everywhere.

Object model for this and any other namespace extensions built with Shell+ looks this way:

click to expand

TsxByHandProvider component have many different events, however their implementations are small and simple. Everything starts from OnPopulate event. It is executed as soon as Windows Shell need to display contents of the root folder. The event handler should retrieve and provide the list of available databases. Later, when user will choose the database or folder in the database, event handler will retreve the list of items again and provide them to the Windows Shell as well.

The important feature of this example - is server based document searching feature. Unlike standard Windows Search, this feature it executes searching process on the server side and returns only items that meets conditions, entered by the user.

Searching feature implemented as standard Explorer Band that makes it very handy and useful for the user. It works this way:

1. When user click "Search" button, program creates instance of TsdElement and stores searching query to the TsdElement.Keywords property.
2. Program stores created TsdElement instance to the DataGrain using SDElementToDataGrain function and tells Windows Shell to browse this DataGrain.
3. Windows Shell creates new window and calls DataProvider.OnPopulate event.
4. OnPopulate event executes method SearchElements on the server. This method returns found elements and OnPopulate returns them to the Windows Shell.

That's all folks :)


Download source code and binaries

Shell+ Documents Installer
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